Monday, September 30, 2019

Deprived of education Essay

From a very early age I have cherished a desire to work for the betterment of children. I hail from Iran and in my life I have witnessed many instances where children are deprived of education and even necessary means of sustenance. Most of these children do not get any emotional support while they are forced to lead a challenging life amidst a harsh social environment. Within my home country social organizations lack sufficient power so they are unable to make much difference to the lives of those children who have been adversely affected by some unprecedented events. Not many opportunities exist in Iran for some one who is dedicated to making child care a career so I have come to the U. S. A in order to gain academic skills that can be applied to the betterment of children, whilst I am pursuing my studies I intend to gain some practical hands on experience in various fields related to child care and child development. I possess some prior work experiences which have some commonalities to the internship programme of the Family Stress Centre. I have worked as student assistant at Santa Monica University. Amongst the various responsibilities that were given to me I was assigned a task which required me to help children learn with the aid of computer software. I am presently working at preschool as a an assistant teacher, at the preschool I have worked with children in the age group of 3 to 5 years, I have also worked with disabled children. I have been working at the preschool since January 2008. My superiors at my present and previous organizations have approved of my work. I am fully committed to constantly improving my performance at work and I ensure that any work that is delegated to me is completed to the satisfaction of the clients and my superiors. I have graduated from Santa Monica College; at college I have done courses such as Child Development Professional, Family and Consumer Studies, Play and Human Potential, Music and literature for children etc. I have found that these courses had enormous practical implication and I have successfully applied my theoretical knowledge in my work. The Family Stress Centre will offer me opportunities to acquire new skills and enable me to practice the theoretical skills that I have acquired as a part of my Child Development Professional course at CSUN. I already possess people skills that are necessary for a position such as this. Additionally I have prior experience of worked with children I have also worked with physically challenged children. Since Family Stress Centre offers counseling services my experience as an assistant teacher will help me to quickly acquire counseling skills.. I am confident of the fact that if selected for the internship I will work with dedication and commitment because I have dedicated my life for the betterment of children.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How to Improve Presentation Skill

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Definition of research problem Your presentations skills are just as important as the information you are presenting. Presentation skills are important for every individual when you have the need to present yourself. It is not only essential for your studying but also for future career. When you are applying for a job, you have to present yourself as a sincere applicant who is ready to improvise the organisation using his or her technical and non-technical skills. Only if you present yourself with the right attitude, you will be able to get the job.Even when you are in the job, you should be attending business meetings with the higher officials where your presentation skills will prove yourself. The purpose of this paper is to study the effectiveness of oral presentation as an assessment tool in university and career as well. The assessment practices in these subjects have been studied by many authors. Assessment may involve written tasks such as essay, r eport writing, calculation using formulae, computer simulation, short answer or descriptive writing in examination, multiple choice questions and also an oral presentation on a written task.However, the issues relating to oral presentation have not been studied clearly before. This paper reports the results of an empirical investigation of oral presentation used Banking University, especially in Foreign Language Faculty. 1. 2 Research scope and objectives Three specific questions are addressed in this paper. The first question is about the inportance of performance in oral presentation. The second question is about the effect that gender and student background determined by students’ nationality may have on their performance in oral presentation and other forms of assessment.The third question is about developing insights on various issues involved in the student performance in oral presentation in university and future career. The study of oral presentation with the issues i nvolved helps student in understanding the relationship between the steps of making a presentation. The study of effect of gender and nationality of students on their performance can help in understanding the problems associated with particular groups of students and can help resolve equity and learning issues in a particular group of students. 1. Structure of research report This report begins with an in depth literature review in chapter two which examines the oral presentation and issues involved. In chapter three, research questions are formulated from the literature. Chapter four provides detail regarding the research methodology selected by the researcher, in an attempt to collect data. This methodology includes qualitative as well as quantitative methods of data collection. The collected dated is disclosed in chapter five, through the use of graph and figures, as well as direct quotation from experts.An in depth review of the findings is examine in great detail in chapter six . Here more common themes and opposing opinions are explored more closely. Chapter seven concludes the research and offers proposed future research topic. Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW In today’s business environment, the competition in the workplace is getting more competitive. It is no longer enough for you to have the necessary capability to do the job, you should also be able to talk well, write well, and present yourself attractively to your superiors.Until recently many researches have been done in this topic. Researchers show the importance of presentation skills and the way to improve them in working environment (Tom Antion), In fact, it’s not enough just considering the side of whether being good or bad of the presentation. We should consider it from many aspects to enhance our capacity in presenting and succeed in career. Thus, our research focus on analyzing the ways for students especially for seniors who will become staffs or entrepreneurs in the near futur e to cultivate their presentation skills.This paper was executed to solve communication problems noted above deficient oral presentation skills– and its purpose is to address: (1) a few possible reasons for students’ inability to effectively deliver presentations and (2) training strategies designed to help students develop a proficiency in the area of oral presentations. 2. 1. Explanations of Students’ Poor Presentation Performance 2. 1. 1. Communication-related anxiety The inability to effectively deliver oral presentations may stem from a communication-related anxiety known as oral communication apprehension.This is the biggest problem that presenter may come up against. The problem McCroskey (1977) defined as â€Å"an individual’s level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons† (p. 78) which may contribute to an increase in anxiety and loss of self confidence and, consequently, n egatively affect one’s action to engage in oral communication from face-to-face speaking to an audience by delivering a presentation or speech.According to Phillips (1968), a factor contributing to poor communication performance may lie in one’s memory of his or her parents misusing language to ventilate grievances, berate one another, or verbally harass family members, including oneself. These negative experiences may have led the individual to be fearful or reticent of communication dialog, resulting in withdrawal from oral communication encounters. 2. 1. 2. Vague Intent You memorized the content (and it shows, by the way). Someone has a question. Panic sets in. You never prepared for questions and all you know about this topic is what is written on the slides. If you are not clear about what you want your presentation to achieve, then its success will be a hit-and-miss affair at best. What is the purpose of your presentation? †, said Shaun Killian (2009). 2. 1 . 3. Poor Structure It is intergral to prepare structure to transfer you intent after having clear knowledge about the topic you are going to present. It is not as simple as the popular â€Å"tell them what you will be saying, say it, and tell them what you have said† formula (Seven sins of poor presentations, Shaun Killian ,c. 2009).Not so well prepared structure will not allow you to deliver a cohesive presentation that achieves your intent. 2. 1. 4. Not Understanding Your Audience A great presentation given to one audience may fall flat when repeated with another because people are different and you need to personalise your presentation for the specific audience concerned. You've heard the phrase â€Å"know your audience† but do you know how to do that? Of course it means to know who is in your audience, what their general preferences are, to know different ways to relate to them, etc (n. ). Assuming you do, how you allow them to easily understand your points is an obstacle. 2. 1. 5. Low Engagement Storytelling is a way to engage audience because it sparks our imagination and plays to our innate desire to know what happens next (n. d). Sooner or later, the connection between you and your audience will be replaced by a boring atmosphere if you fail in engaging them. 2. 1. 6. Poor Preparation Shaun claimed that audiences can sense when you are relying on a script or using your slides as a crutch to hide your lack of knowledge.A lack of preparation can also throw off your timing, leaving you to: (1) Cram an overload of information into the time you have left, or (2) Come up with ways to fill your remaining time. 2. 2. Strategies To Improve Students’ Presentation Skills 2. 2. 1. Plan the purpose Before you create a new presentation, or when you review existing presentation, ask yourself â€Å"what’s my purpose for giving this presentation? †Is your goal to persuade, to inspire, to inform or to entertain (Chakisse Newton, 2008) . Having a clear understanding of the presentation’s purpose enables you to set more specific goals.Being clear about what you want your presentation to achieve will enable you to make wise decisions about how to best structure and deliver it. 2. 2. 2. Prepare carefully for your presentation To deliver an effective presentation, you have to know your material well. Here are some tips you can use to repare carefully your presentation * Check  that  writing  is  legible  from  the  back  of  the  room * Smooth  transition  between  topics  and  slides * Sequence  of  points  is  logical * Get  feedback  from  a  classmate * Become  familiar  with  the  audio-visual you shouldn't use a number of media (i. e. verhead projector and slides and blackboard) until you are quite confident and experienced. If you are going to use mixed media, it is even more important that you rehearse, to get an indication of how long it will take t o turn off one projector, start the other etc. * Timing of your presentation. To get your timing right, you need to rehearse your presentation. Actors, musicians and other performers understand this all too well. Yet many presentations are not practiced until they are conducted live in front of the audience. Rehearsing your presentation will help you speak with confidence and stay on track.It also helps you to move away from vague ideas about content into the more concrete realm of what you will say and how you will say it (Shaun, 2009) * Get used to public speaking and reduce your nervousness * Identify any mannerisms that may be inappropriate or annoying during public speaking. For example, these may include a tendency to finish sentences with the word â€Å" like â€Å" or † y'know † or perhaps you begin every sentence with an ‘ errm ‘, or ‘ ahhhm ‘ or ‘ So. . ‘, or maybe you begin every new slide by saying â€Å"Where are we now ? † or â€Å"Well, . â€Å". Once you have identified them, and with a little practice, you will be able to better control your use of these mannerisms. Don’t worry too much about having a few of them in your seminars- you are not a robot! In addition, people generally have a very good ability to filter the occasional ‘errm’ or ‘ahhhm’ out of your main points. It is the overuse of such mannerisms that is problematic. 2. 2. 3. Some other important tips * Devote some preparation time to better understanding your audience. * What have they been up to recently? What have they achieved? Will they be hostile or receptive to what you have to say? * What do they already know or believe about the matter at hand? * What do you know about their learning styles and personalities? * What challenges do they face in their workplace? What help do they need? * What do they like and respect? To truly understand your audience, you need to avoid the clinical, so mewhat removed method of answering these questions and try to view things from their perspective (Shaun, 2009). * Think of ways to actively engage them. One of the most powerful ways to accomplish this is  through storytelling. here are other ways to engage your audience. These include using: * Questions  both real and rhetorical, to get people thinking about what you have said * Games  that reinforce the key messages in your presentation * Movement  to wake people up * Literary devices  such as parallel structure, word pictures, triads, metaphors and the antithesis 2. 3. Summary of literature and research aim The materials including 3 books and an article conducted by relevant website. This literature on oral presentation involved two issues of students’ oral presentation.This study made a contribution to the study of presentation by offering insight into issues involved in the oral presentation. In particular, this study identified the problems associated with the execution of oral presentation and proposed the strategies for students to overcome the problems. Although the above strategies may appear to constitute a precise structure, they are subject to modification and omission at the strategy for the communication-related anxiety. More studies should be learned in order to get a clearer and deeper knowledge about managing anxiety for the presentation.Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 3. 1 Subjects to the study Finding reliable and valid sources of information for the research was a challenge for the researcher. The researcher used electronic databases using keyword? searching methods to locate traditional and online sources on the topic. The primary database used to locate sources was well? known research journals and publications. Another database used to locate sources was the Library of Banking University. The researcher used Library of Banking University primarily to locate traditional sources such as books and some research articles.This paper attempts to answer the above mentioned research questions through an analysis of student data collected from Faculty of Foreign Language, at Banking University over a period of for years from 2010 to 2014. Because we do not have enough time to do the survey the whole Foreign language Faculty we do the survey in the class we are studying with, which comprises 35 students who are studying the subject over this period. Out of these; 27 are female students, 8 males. This research was conducted by questionnaire and investigated junior students’attitudes to the importance of presentation.The questionnaire used multichoice method to assess student attitudes and provided open ended responses for additional comments. No personal information was collected; the survey was voluntary and anonymous. There was an 85% response rate to the questionnaire. A breakdown of the responses is listed below in Table 1. It can be clearly seen from the results that there are many students acknowledge ab out the importance of oral presentation and its relevant issues as well. The survey also allowed participants to suggest any strategies for the progress from the preparation to the presenting of the talk to have a good presentation. . 2 Research instrument The questionnaire instrument is a popular method doing research . It consist of 11 questions edited by researchers. Most of these questions focused on the importance of presentation skill ,the difficuties in doing a presentation and finding the way to improve. We gave somes mutiple choices . And some questions ,there is space for the participants to give their own opinions. After getting the information in the survey ,the data was gathered and annalyzed to come to findings 3. 3 Data collection and research procedures.The data collection procedures in this thesis consist of two phases Phases 1 : it took researchers a half of month from October 10th to October 25th 2012,to review previous study and select the ralated materials in th is subject Phases 2: after that on November 6th 2012 35 copies of the questionaire were distributed to the participants . Then the information was gathered and analyzed to achieve the concrete conclusion. This process lasted 7 days to November 13th . Lastly, it took more than a week to perfect and finish this research paper from November 13th to November 20th ,2012.Chapter 4 :DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4. 1. Responses to the questionaire 4. 1. 1. Participants ‘s opinions about presentation skill in future career. Most of them (60%) agree presentation skill is the most important skill to get s good career . 30% participants think knowledge is the most important and 10% is neutral. 4. 1. 2 Reasons why students can not be a good presenter. * 35% of students think the lack of preparation makes the poor presentation. * It is culculated that 30% of students did a bad presentation because of being short of confidence. 25% of students have problem with the language they use in the pres entation. * 10% of them gave some different reasons such as: body language, pronunciation,the content of the presentation ,†¦. 4. 1. 3. Methods to have a good presentation There are some methods for an attractive presentation that participants gave : * Prepare carefully for the presentation. * Get used to public speaking and reduce your nervousness * Use some small games or a funny stories in the presentation. * Use body language * Use simple word or definitions. * †¦ 4. 2. SummaryAccording to the survey ,the real situation is found out . 60% of participants agree presentation skill is very important ,30% disagree and other 10% of them are neutral. It was calculated that the lack of preparation makes up 35% among the reasons which lead to the failure in presentation. The other 2 main problems are language and short of confidence. Along with that the participants also gave some solutions that they used to improve their presentation skill . Those finding indicated not only t he importance of presentation skill but also the method to advance it. Chapter 5 :DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION . 1. Preparation: 35% of participants think lack of preparation makes the presentation fail. Some people recommend memorizing a script and practicing it intensely for as long as you possibly can. Other people suggest having key talking points and riffing on those. From heavy-duty preparation to minimal preparation, you’ll get it all, and everything in-between. Besides, over time with enough practice you can learn to speak and present in any style. From there, you can find your own speaking style. Moreover ,   it is quite helpful to practice each section of presentation in pieces.You should focus on one part, memorize the core elements, run through it till you are comfortable and then move to the next piece. Then it’s just a matter of stringing the pieces together, which is easier. 5. 2. Confidence: 30% people point out that confidence contributes a lot to a n excellent presentation. Definitely, practicing in front of people helps you more confident. If you haven’t given a lot of presentations this  will feel awkward  but it’s better to get over those feelings now rather than when you’re on stage. You need the quiet time to memorize things and get a feel for what you’re doing.However, it will be better to practice while distracted by other sounds or visually because it makes you feel more confident . All the advice in the world won’t help if you can’t get comfortable with your preparation, practice techniques and ultimately, the presentation itself. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. The more comfortable you feel, the more confident you feel, and the better things will go. 5. 3. Language: It is adviced not to get hung up on specific words. It’s unlikely that missing or changing any one word will totally ruin your presentation, so don’t worry about perfection.Practicing han d gestures is also essential. If you’re giving a â€Å"naked† presentation (with nothing in front of you like a table, etc. ) then you need to be aware of what you’re doing with your hands and your feet. So think about your hand gestures and how they relate to what you’re saying. If you plan to move around, pace in sync with your words. I’ve been practicing this for a few days with great success. Chapter 6: CONCLUSION 6. 1. Strengths: As students of Foreign Language Faculty, we have more chances to practice presentation in comparison with other students.It is also considerable advantage for doing surveys and collecting data from our classmates. 6. 2. Weakness: Still being senior students, the researchers have not been trained presentation skills systematically. Also, the time for processing this thesis was limited. The researchers can not apply more research methods into the procedure to tap into more evidence for the statements. However; after ver y hard working to gear up the research, the researchers are in the hope of bringing up the solution to make people find effective methods to get success in making a perfect presentation.APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRES These are all the questions the researchers used in the questionaires during the procedure: 1 Do you think presentation skill is important? * Yes * No 1. How much time do you spend preparing your presentation? *   a. a day *   b. a week *   c. a few weeks *   other: 3. What common mistakes do you (and your group also) usually make in the presentation? *   a. Spelling mistakes *   b. Pronunciation *   c. Too many information on the slide *   Other: 4. How do you feel about a presenter with a note? *   a. It`s ok.. *   b. So unprofessional!They should learn by heart all the stuffs *   c. Not very professional but acceptable *   Other : 5. What do you do to handle nerves before presenting? *   a. Drink some water . *   b. Take a deep breath, relax the muscle . *   c. Imagine the audiences turn into some kinds of funny things . * Other: 6. Do nerves affect your presentation? *   a. Yes, my stomach is ache. My hands shake. I just want to run away *   b. My hands shake, my heart pounds but I try to finish the presentation *   c. A bit nervous, but I prepare very carefully. Everything`s gonna be OK .   d. I don`t care what`s gonna happen. I just want to finish this . *   Other: 7. you often find the information from which sources? *   a. The internet *   b. Books *   c. Newspapers, magazines *   Other: 8. How frequent do you say â€Å"uhm†, â€Å"ohm† during your presentation? *   a. Very often *   b. Sometimes *   c. Rarely *   d. Never 9. What do you do if the questions are so difficult or you don’t prepare well? *   a. Answer arbitrarily *   b. Ask for another question *   c. Ask for teacher’s help *   d. Apology and promise to reply on the following day 10.Do you use body language when presenting? *   a. Mostly eye contact. I always look at the audiences to make sure they`re listening *   b. I know it`s important, but I barely use it. There are too many other things to handle *   c. The most important thing is the contain and the presentation. If it`s interesting, the audiences will pay attention *   Other: 11. What have you done so far to improve your presentation skill? a. Prepare carefully b. Use body language c. Use a note while presentting. d. Other REFERENCES Daly,  J. A. ,  &  McCroskey,  J. C. (Eds). (1984).Avoiding  communication:  Shyness, reticence,a nd  communication  apprehension. Newbury  Park:  Sage. Gallo,  Ã‚  C  Ã‚  (2006). The  Ã‚  10  Ã‚  worst  Ã‚  presentation  Ã‚  habits. BusinessWeek. com. Retrieved October  20,  2006  from: Krannich,  Ã‚  C. R. (2004). 101  Ã‚  Secrets  Ã‚  of  Ã‚  highly  Ã‚  effective  Ã‚  speakers:  Ã‚  controlling  Ã‚  fear,commanding  Ã‚  attention  . McCannon,  M. &  Crews,  T. B. 1999. Most  common  grammatical  and  punctuation  errors made  by  undergraduates  as  perceived  by  business  communication  professors.Parvis,  Ã‚  L. F. (2001). The  Ã‚  importance  Ã‚  of  Ã‚  communication  Ã‚  and  Ã‚  public-speaking  Ã‚  skills. http://inc. com/guides/how-to-improve-your-presentation-skills. html http://presentationmagazine. com/presentation-skills-and-how-to-develop-them-7577. htm http://presentationsoft. about. com/od/powerpointinbusiness/tp/071231resolutions. htm http://images. businessweek. com/ss/06/02/mistakes/index_01. htm RESEARCH PAPER WRITING EVALUATION FORM Student name: Grading criteria| Marks| Content| | Purpose/ objective| /10| Coverage and relevance of literature in relation to the topic/ research question| /20|Ability to summarise and evaluate the literature in relavant to the topic/ research question, including the identification of agreements and contradictions or gaps, etc. | /20| Form| | Coherence and structure of the paper| /15| Clarity of the outline including clear and consistent layout, script and spelling; provision of subheadings where approciate; introductory and concluding sections, etc. | /15| Clarity and appropriateness of academic conventions forquoting, paraphrasing, citing references, etc according to the guidelines learnt. | /20| Total marks| /100| General comments| Examiner:Date:B? NG PHAN CONG CONG VI? C T? t c? thanh vien d? u tim kiem tai li? u ,t? ng h? p va ch? n l? c tai li? u . Sau khi hoan thanh xong ph? n c? a minh g? i qua cho t? ng thanh vien xem va ch? nh s? a . sau day la b? ng phan cong c? th? T? NGUY? N PHU? C VINH| * PART 1 : INTRODUCTION * PART2 :LITERATURE REVIEW * T? NG H? P BAI| TR? N TH? BICH TRAM| * PART3:METHODOLOGY * Part4 :DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING * T? NG H? P VA PHAN TICH S? LI? U KH? O SAT| BUI TH? KIM TUY? N| * PART 5: DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION * PART 6: CONCLUSION * T? N G H? P VA PHAN TICH S? LI? U KH? O SAT|

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Manager Interviews Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Manager Interviews - Essay Example One of the most common procedures made use of to date includes the qualitative research methods, the quantitative research method, and the mixed research methods (McBride, 2005). Brilliantine, is amongst the firms under study, and poses as a firm, working with the reception of three main categories of calls from its clients. After conclusively interviewing not only the firms’ manager, Mrs. Sutton Banks, but also other executives of the firm, it was clear that the services rendered include, emergency calls, which would lie considered as the most vital of all the firms operations, as they result to having the firms’ agents being on the phone, for an average time of thirty minutes. This however goes further to lie spread over to a greater number of calls, whereby the customer, the client’s family, or even the neighbors are at times involved in the entire calling procedure. Technical enquiries, as well as reassurance calls, are also part of the buildup that the firm consists and works with (Esty, 2006). On the other hand, I learnt from my research that, a spa managers’ job is one of the most demanding positions that one could take up today. The flourishing spa industry gives one the opportunity to engage in procedures that bring with them rewards, excitement and, most importantly, great hope and exemplary results. However, with all this comes the other side of spas that many people may tend to know very little about. From my interview with the manager of one popular spa around that I visited, I learnt that despite holding this somewhat desired position, a lot comes with bearing that role. It is evident that with that very demanding position as a spa manager, the predicament of need for more support in terms of moral support and guidance, as well as training of staff is a major setback if lacked. In addition, it is also a very necessary factor, if the spa is to perform in accordance to the set standards (Plunkett, 2012). Technology in bus iness is essential because without it issues such as globalization, efficient communication with customers, security, as well as efficiency of operations would not lie realized. Annual tradeshows offering vendor support to dealers and cruise incentive trip for top performing dealers have also remained carried out in a bid to improve its dealer’s relations (Esty, 2006). Moreover, I learnt that, like any other management position, to be a successful spa manager, one tends to develop more in terms of success of the spa, too, with more relevant education and experience that tends to address not only their life skills but business skills as well. A well-established spa, such as the one covered in my research, incorporates various functions that may not necessarily be independent (McBride, 2005). Among various departments that should lie considered equally important is the finance department. This what, at the end of the day, the manager, and the managerial crew count on to reveal any income or possible loss where it applies. Just to mention a few roles of this department, it interprets all the financial reports and provides expertise on matters concerned with the overall revenue against the expenses incurred. This department is also mainly concerned with administration of staff and scheduling of clients to ensure maximum revenue generation and profitability as well (Plunkett, 2012). Thorough research entails a careful search of a subject matter in order to

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Relationship Between Sharia Law and International Commercial Dissertation

The Relationship Between Sharia Law and International Commercial Arbitration - Dissertation Example ration. Procedural issues, such as: access to justice, service of process, standards of fair trial, evidence, independence and impartiality of arbitrators, joinder, intervention and consolidation, confidentiality of the arbitral proceedings, arbitral interim measures, requirements for an arbitral award. Substantial issues involving the merits of the dispute, such as the application of uniform law and mandatory rules. Acceptance of prior or intervening court judgments/ arbitral awards that may be recognized as res judicata and similar issues.4 Overall, the central debate in resolving issues about the merits of a dispute revolves about whether arbitrators can or should rely upon the general principles of law instead of the legal system of any one State. The debate gains significance when the issue is addressed differently by the general principles of law and the legal system of the state, and controversy exists in the degree to which the clashing principles of sovereignty and pacta sun t servanda should apply. b) Source of general principles of law in international commercial arbitration The phrase ‘general principles of law’ conveys the impression of a set of rules spontaneously arrived at by international businessmen; the truth, however, is that they are rules grounded in national legal systems. It must be clarified that the general principles of international law are not always applicable in all situations. In those instances that the parties have stipulated in their agreement their choice of law or rules of law that is to govern their relationship, there is no instance when general principles of law shall apply. Arbitrators are bound to respect the choice of the parties. The following are the more popular ICA rules according to institution: i) International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention, Regulations and Rules ii) ICSID Additional Facility Rules iii) London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) Arbitration Rule s iv) International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Dispute Resolution Rules v) (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules vi) Permanent Court of Arbitration Rules vii) American Arbitration Association (AAA) International Arbitration Rules viii) International Bar Association (IBA) Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration 2) Islam and its Legal System a) Overview of Sharia The word â€Å"Shari’a† is Arabic for â€Å"the path† or â€Å"the way,†5 or more descriptively, â€Å"a path or way to a water hole in the desert.†6 The more figurative meaning would be the path Allah or God had designated for humankind to follow in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Portrait of Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn Assignment - 1

Portrait of Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn - Assignment Example In 1841, he was summoned by Queen Victoria to the English court. After painting Queen Victoria in 1842, he returned several times to paint the expansive royal family doing at least 120 works, including a painting commissioned by the Queen which would be given to Prince Albert as a birthday present. Winterhalter painted most of Europe’s royalty (Belgium, France, and England) and the leading aristocracy. His artistic pieces became widely regarded through copies and reproductions.1 Winterhalter did not receive high praise from serious critics. However, his portraits were admired for their sensual nature. His fame among the royals and aristocratic clients was as a result of his ability to create a painting that his clients wanted to display. In 1843, Winterhalter was commissioned to paint Princess Leonilla’s portrait. The Russian-born Princess Leonilla (1816-1918), one of Winterhalter’s royal clients’ was married to Prince Ludwig Aldof Friedrich, the same year she was painted. In 1833, she sat for Winterhalter for an oval portrait that featured her shadowed face, contrasting dark hair and opaline skin, and magnificent pearls. He also painted her again in 1849.2 However, it is the Portrait of Leonilla, Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn that overshadows all her paintings. Winterhalter uses an art style known as Romanticism, in which he ‘humanizes’ his clients, by painting with a more objective view of his subject’s features and bringing out their unique beauty.3 In a daring pose, similar to the scenes of harem and odalisques, the portrait lies on a low sofa set on a balcony overlooking lush tropical scenery. Her unassailable social strata made it possible for Winterhalter to utilize such a carnal pose for a large portrait. Recognized for her glowing beauty and intellect, Leonilla is resplendent in a frill dress of ivory silk with a pink sash on her midriff. A deep purple veil folds

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 67

Leadership - Essay Example Nonetheless, his greatest gift as a conversationalist was that many people believed that he meant what he said. It was emblematic for him to be at odds with people that were very close to him. He also frequently experienced the disapproval and contempt from his enemies and critics. He was firm and had a great sense of responsibility to tackle the deeply decisive matter the nation was going through; the Civil War and slavery (Schwartz & Schuman, 2005). Lincoln often visited the areas where that had work that related to the matters he was fighting, asking many questions and getting insights from those with the most knowledge concerning a situation At the time of his presidency, the nation was divided into southern and northern regions. Civil war broke out, an extremely violent as well as a bloody war on the territory of both nations. He led the United States to eventually defeat the union, and following his celebrated Emancipation Proclamation, he set up measures to eliminate slavery (Schwartz & Schuman, 2005). Lincoln was right in backing the Union, which fought slavery. He did not protect the association and the people backing slavery (Schwartz & Schuman, 2005). He felt that it was particularly significant for the United States to stop slavery. When the war ended, he felt that it was critical to join up the Union and the coalition back into one nation. The measures he took to accomplish the goal to reunite the United States were some of his major

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Emergency Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emergency Management - Essay Example It mainly manufactures cars and trucks, with famous brands like Cadillac, Buick, Pontiac, Chevrolet and Opel etc. The company operates worldwide in 34 countries (General Motors, 2008a). According to the accounts from our employees, the tornado powerfully ravaged our Sport Utility Plant and torn off some metal shield from the Plant. But our employees have carefully hidden themselves in the protective basement that was built for this purpose. However, only one of our employees, a supply truck driver, was hospitalized and our Plant was shut down for weeks as a result of ruins left behind by the tornado. However, our employees also suffered massive loss of their personal property and materials as the tornado devastated their homes. In spite of our enviable Health and Safety Scheme, which includes using the best technologies in the world to ensure that our employees are safe in the face of any disasters, natural or artificial, it is necessary that a new crisis management plan should be set up. We already have an alarm system that quickly alerts our employees of any impending dangers. I would suggest that the following systems be implemented for optimal performance: Legal backing: We have approached the Governor of Oklahoma to assist us with a legal backing in form of a Tornado Relief Bill that would give tax credits and other financial assistance to GM employees that have lost their valuable property during the disaster (Allbusiness, 2003). I take the blame for not suggesting all these important facts before the disaster struck. I am sure that with these ideas I have given above, we would be able to prevent future great damage to our

Monday, September 23, 2019

Dq8m9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dq8m9 - Essay Example That is why it is important that every organization in business must include the social responsibility as part of their strategy. Norman who is a professor of ethics in Business looks critically at a number of prevalent and quasi-academic outlines for identifying and mitigating beyond-compliance responsibility such as CSR, organizational citizenship, sustainability, shareholder theory and triple bottom-line. His working theory is that beyond compliance responsibilities can be vindicated by using the same ideas and methods we use in vindicating particular guidelines. He also focuses on â€Å"ethical Politicization† and more generally on the nature of answerable behavior in the business-government dealings (Norman 2012 p.75). The idea of corporate social responsibility is exceptionally valuable and hard-worn social benefit. It is a vehicle for endorsing transparency, more tone liability, better communique, honesty, mutually advantageous exchange and functional development. In pr oviding a clear way of critiquing business inside and out of its borders, it is now an essential condition for businesses to have morals and to exercise modern entrepreneurship (Jeremy 2009 p34). It is especially important for the growing global economics, while at the same time it is a delicate issue. However, different researchers are coming up with different views on this topic with one group arguing that business must operate under proper values and the other arguing that social responsibility is a complicated issue and cannot work successfully. According to Moses Pava, Former US secretary Robert Reich is one example of those who oppose the social responsibility advocators (Pava 2008 p.38). He believes that it is a project that can never succeed and campaigning for it is a waste of time and money. Reich points this failure in the raising political power but does not clearly state exactly what his argument is all about. He however, wants this idea dropped and as it is not one tha t could work and the only reason for him is the rise in corporate political power an argument thought as not so convincing according to Pava. Critiques like Reich are therefore, needed to listen keenly to those who have continuously been pushing for more and improved corporate social accountability as they may need to respond to his argument. Understanding the state of business and the processes in it, Reich and other should be convinced that corporate social responsibility is a vital foundation for business morals and for current capitalism. Lack of social corporate responsibility will create an avenue for unnecessary exploitation and great benefits for a few traders and that would not make sense. Reich’s concern in this issue is that rules advocating for the social corporate responsibility are not safe for business as they could cause a lot of harm. He believes that if businesses should prosper, then, they should focus mainly on customer satisfaction and maximization of cor porate profits for stakeholders (Pava 2008p. 50). He says that ethical and social responsibility is individual and can be practiced in those terms instead of setting up policies that direct organizations to operate under ethical social responsibilities, which would frustrate the freedom for organizations to achieve their goals. Pierre, on

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Practicing the Backward Roll in the Gymnastics Term Paper

Practicing the Backward Roll in the Gymnastics - Term Paper Example Back rolling is usually a difficult rolling process because of the neck. This is more so for the young children. This is because a child’s head in comparison to the rest of the body is usually larger than that of an adult person. Therefore, a child requires a greater amount of push from the floor in order to perform the back rolling technique. This happens in order to help them clear their heads from the floor while preventing the unnecessary injuries to the neck. However, as an instructor, there is a need to ensure that the students have enough abdominal strength in helping them lift their hips over their heads. The students also need to have enough arm strength in order to help them push their heads from the mat. This will help them to relieve some stress from their necks. Rick Feeney (1990),   explains one of the skills of backrolling which involves the placing of the mats in a V-formation for the back rolling technique. It helps to serve several functions: 1. To protect the head from injuries 2. It teaches the students how to roll in an exact straight line 3. It teaches the students how to push using their hands and arms   However, as a rolling instructor, there is need not rush your students to perform the back rolling technique, especially on flat mats until when the students are ready to perform it. However, when they perform this skill, there is a need to help them lift their hips up an over their heads. Consciously keep the pressure from their necks. The back rolling skill is a great technique to master because it usually helps the students to develop strength and agility. It also assists the learners to grasp the technique of safe fall.   However, spotting a back roll in students takes a little more practicing than any other rolling. First, the students need to start in a squatting stance. Next, make sure that their chins tackle forward while their hands are by their shoulders. Their palms need to be facing the ceiling in this area. However, there is a need to stand slightly behind your students, as well as their sides.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

History of Education and Field Study Essay Example for Free

History of Education and Field Study Essay We all know that each of the teachers has their own methods and strategies in delivering their lesson. I observed the class of Teacher Teejie Taruc. She is a MAPEH major teaching at Camba National High School. She uses a combination of methods in her class includes the Socratic Method, inductive method, class discussion, lecturing and recitation. She has her own techniques on how she presents her lesson. Teacher Teejie has a great sense of humour thats why she can easily get the attention of her students. By  using those methods, she can manage her students and also the learning process. Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process 7 Analysis Explain the methods that the teacher used. Methods| Advantages| Disadvantages| 1. Socratic Method – it is the question and answer part in the lesson presentation. | * Learners can share their own ideas. * Teacher and the learners may absorb knowledge by listening to other ideas. | * Some of the learners may not cooperate. | 2. Inductive Method – a method which presenting the lesson by specific to more general. | * Learners may familiarize the topic * Easily cope up with the topic. * They can improve their critical thinking skills. | * Learning is difficult to gauge. * Some may hardly understand the topic. | 3. Lecture Method – is a teaching procedure for explaining and clarifying a major idea. It makes use of may be a narration or a description. | * Presents factual material in direct, logical manner. * It contains experience which inspires. * Stimulates thinking to open discussion. * Useful for large groups of learner. * It serve as a guide through a great mass of information characteristics of subject areas. | * Some of the learners may not participate. * Time will limit the discussion. * Learning is difficult to gauge. | 4. Class Discussion – a method on presenting a lesson where there is a question involve that may answer by the learners. | * Pools ideas and experiences from other learners. * Effective after a presentation, film or experience that needs to be analyzed. * Allows everyone to participate in an active process. | * Few learners can dominate. * Others may not participate. * It is time consuming. * Can get off the track. | 5. Recitation – an act of enumerating and answering the question of the teacher. | * Learners can boost their confidence by doing recitation. * Both teacher and learners may absorb knowledge from each other. | * Some students may not participate. * Some wont get a fair answering. | Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process8 Reflection What methods am I going to use? As a would-be educator, I already have ideas of what method am I going use in the near future. I encountered a lot of teachers and I can say that they have their own techniques, strategies and methods in teaching. Each of them is different from anyone and I can say that they are all good teachers. I always taught to myself that someday I am going to be like them and much better than them. In order to have a good learning process in the class, I must have a harmonious relationship with my learners. It is very important for me as a teacher to have a harmonious relationship with my learners so that I can easily impart knowledge to them. I am planning to use a combination of methods includes class discussion, brain storming, lecturing, Socratic, inductive, deductive, recitation, power point and video clip presentation and worksheets. These methods are only guide for us. The effectiveness of these methods is always depending on us, on how we apply it and on how we deliver it. Some of the methods I’m planning to use are generally used by most teachers thats why I included video clip and power point presentation in order to follow on the new trends of teaching. We all know that these things are very popular today. Power point presentation is software of Microsoft where we can write up the lessons that we want to teach on our students. Video clip presentation is an entertaining way of teaching content and raising issues that keep groups attention. When we use these two new trends of teaching, learning process may be more successful than the traditional one. Its so hard to get the attention of the students. We must be a good motivator for us to motivate them. Being a teacher is not easy like they always said but I do believe that it depends on you. As long as you know that you can do it, it will be easy. Just love your profession and the profession will also loves you. Make your passion your profession! Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process9 Documentation†¦ FieField Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process10 Differences Among Approach, Methods, Strategies, and Techniques Many people are having difficulties on distinguishing the differences between approach, methods, strategies, and techniques thats why in this activity; I am going to define the differences between those words. Approach| Method or Strategy| Technique|. * An enlighten viewpoint of teaching. * Provides sounds philosophy and orientation to the whole process of teaching in which the selection of an instructional method is part and parcel of. | * It refers to an organized, orderly, systematic, well-planned procedure. * It consist of steps which are logically arranged aimed at achieving the specific aims of instruction at enhancing greater teaching and maximizing learning output. * Method directs and guides the teacher in all class activities and involves as well, the organization of materials to get things done. * Strategy in the beginning is a monopoly of other disciplines like military, science, politics, economics, and even psychology. | * It is implementational and that which actually takes place in a classroom. * It is a particular trick, or contrivance, used to accomplish an immediate objective. * It is consistent with a method and approach as well. * It depends on the teacher, his individual artistry, and on the composition of the class. * It is defined as a procedural variation of a given method. | Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process6.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Organizational Development By Training And Development Management Essay

Organizational Development By Training And Development Management Essay Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style are four of the most important aspects in organizational studies. The focus of current study is to understand the affect of Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style on Organizational performance. The back bone of this study is the secondary data comprised of comprehensive literature review. Four Hypotheses are developed to see the Impact of all the independent variables on the overall Organizational Performance. The Hypotheses show that all these have significant affect on Organizational Performance. These Hypotheses came from the literature review and we have also proved them with the help of literature review. Results show that Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style have significant affect on Organizational Performance and all these have positively affect the Organizational Performance. It means it increases the overal l organizational performance. We also prove our Hypothesis through empirical data. However, results are strongly based on the literature review. KEYWORDS: Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design, Delivery style, Organizational Performance. INTRODUCTION Training has the distinct role in the achievement of an organizational goal by incorporating the Interests of organization and the workforce. Now a days training is the most important factor in the business world because training increases the efficiency and the effectiveness of both employees and the organization. The employee performance depends on various factors. But the most important factor of employee performance is training. Training is important to enhance the capabilities of employees. The employees who have more on the job experience have better performance because there is an increase in the both skills competencies because of more on the job experience .Training also has impact on the return on investment. The organizational performance depends on the employee performance because human resource Capital of organization plays an important role in the growth and the organizational performance. So to improve the organizational performance and the employee performance, training is given to the employee of the organization. Thus the purpose of this study is to show the impact of training and the design of training on the employee performance. Training development increase the employee performance like the researcher said in his research that training development is an important activity to increase the performance of health sector organization .Another researcher said that employee performance is the important factor and the building block which increases the performance of overall organization. Employee performance depends on many factors like job satisfaction, knowledge and management but there is relationship between training and performance .This shows that employee performance is important for the performance of the organization and the and the training and development is beneficial for the employee to improve The main objective of our study is how the training increase the employee performance. Training increase or develop the managerial skills. despite focusing on efficiency and cost control the spending on training should increase because organization get more efficiency , effectiveness out of the training and development .This shows that training increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the organization. I think people are talking more about performance and results and consequences. They are not necessarily doing more about it. From this it is clear that training and development is the important factor. So the significance of our study is that the training improves performance. Thus the purpose of this study is to show the impact training development on the employee performance. Results are strongly based on the literature review. Results show that Training and Development, On the Job Training and Training Design and Delivery style have significant effect on Organizational Performance and all these have positively affect the Organizational Performance. Training is important for the backbone of every organization and it is also the main resource of the organization. So organizations invest huge amount on the human resource capital because the performance of human resource will ultimately increase the performance of the organization. Performance is a major multidimensional construct a imed to achieve results and has a strong link to strategic goals of an organization .As researcher explains that performance is the key element to achieve the goals of the organization so to performance increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization which is helpful for the achievement of the organizational goals. But the question arise that how an employee can work more effectively and efficiently to increase the growth and the productivity of an organization. There are many factors which improves the work of the employee such as flexible scheduling, training etc. It is very necessary for the organization to design the training very carefully. The design of the training should be according to the needs of the employees. Those organizations which develop a good training design according to the need of the employees as well as to the organization always get good results. It seems that Training design plays a very vital role in the employee as well as organizational per formance. A bad training design is nothing but the loss of time and money. On the job training helps employees to get the knowledge of their job in a better way. It is cost effective and time saving. It is good for organization to give their employees on the job training so that their employees learnt in a practical way. Delivery style is a very important part of Training and Development. Employees are very conscious about the delivery style. If someone is not delivering the training in an impressive style and he is not capturing the attention of the audience it is means he is wasting the time. It is very necessary for a trainer to engage its audience during the training sess. Delivery style means so much in the Training and Development. It is very difficult for an employee to perform well at the job place without any pre-training. Trained employees perform well as compared to untrained employees. It is very necessary for any organization to give its employees training to get overall goals of the organization in a better way. Training and development increase the overall performance of the organization. Although it is costly to give training to the employees but in the long run it give back more than it took. Every organization should develop its employees according to the need of that time so that they could compete with their competitors. LITERATURE REVIEW Human resource is the very important and the People learn from their practical experience much better as compare to bookish knowledge. On the job training reduces cost and saves time. It is better for the organizations to give their employees on the job training because it is employees development and the employee development encourage self-fulfilling skills and abilities of employee, decreased operational costs, limits organizational liabilities and changing goals objectives THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK To implement the study following dependent and independent variables are shown in the theoretical HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT Hypothesis development is very important because acceptance and the rejection of hypothesis show the significance of the study. On the basis of literature review and above theoretical frame work we came to develop following hypothesis. In the training development organizational performance is also affected by the training design. Therefore our first hypothesis is: H1: Training design has significant effect on the organizational performance. To increase the knowledge and skills in the job training is given to the employees therefore our second hypothesis is: H2: On the job training has significant effect on the organizational performance. During training development the delivery style of the person who is giving the training also affects the organizational performance so our third hypothesis is: H3: Delivery style has significant effect on the organizational performance. By combining the above mentioned hypothesis our fourth hypothesis is: H4: Training development has significant effect on the organizational performance. METHODOLOGY The study sample comprised of 100 employees of different organizations of Islamabad, capital of Pakistan. The sample is mixed like both male and female. The data is collected through a questionnaire consists of 15 questions. All questions are close ended questions with the use of a five point Likert scale consisted of strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree. All questionnaires were distributed and collected by hand from the offices of the organizations in the office timings. Ninety five questionnaires were collected after one weak. 95 of them gave the response to our questionnaire. After checking them 79 were found correct and the respond rate was 83%. These 79 questionnaires were included in the study. The analysis of the questionnaire was undertaken using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). All mean and medians were calculated using SPSS. Descriptive statistics was used to determine the independent variables and to conclude the results on the basis of secondary and primary data. Most of the results consist of secondary data. DISCUSSION It is very necessary for the organization to design the training very carefully. The design of the training should be according to the needs of the employees. Those organizations which develop a good training design according to the need of the employees as well as to the organization always get good results. It seems that Training design plays a very vital role in the employee as well as organizational performance. a bad training design is nothing but the loss of time and money . All these results prove our first Hypothesis which is H1: Training design has significant effect on the organizational performance. And it has a positive effect on the organizational performance. It improves the organizational performance. As we see in the table that most of the means are in between the bracket of 4-5 and 3-4, it means that most of our respondents think that Training Design has significant affect on the organizational performance. This also proves our first hypothesis which is; H1: Training design has significant effect on the organizational performance. If we see the z-test value it lies in the critical region. It means the data and the results are significant of our first hypothesis. On the job training helps employees to get the knowledge of their job in a better way. People learn from their practical experience much better as compare to bookish knowledge. On the job training reduces cost and saves time. It is better for the organizations to give their employees on the job training because it is cost effective and time saving. It is good for organization to give their employees on the job training so that their employees learnt in a practical way. All these results prove our second Hypothesis which is H2: On the job training has significant effect on the organizational performance. And it has a positive effect on the organizational performance. It improves the organizational performance. As we see in the table that most of the means are in between the bracket of 4-5 and 3-4, it means that most of our respondents think that On the Job Training has significant affect on the organizational performance. This also proves our second hypothesis which is; H2: O the job training has significant effect on the organizational performance. And it has a positive effect on the organizational performance. It improves the organizational performance. . If we see the z-test value it lies in the critical region. It means the data and the results are significant of our second hypothesis. Delivery style is a very important part of Training and Development. Employees are very conscious about the delivery. If someone is not delivering the training in an impressive style and he is not capturing the attention of the audience it is means he is wasting the time. It is very necessary for a trainer to engage its audience during the training session. Delivery style means so much in the Training and Development. All these results prove our third Hypothesis which is H3: Delivery style has significant effect on the organizational performance. And it has a positive effect on the organizational performance. It improves the organizational performance. As we see the results some of the respondents disagree with the term that Delivery style has a significant effect on organizational performance. But most of the respondents lie between the brackets of 4-5. So if we consider the majority. The majority of our respondents say that delivery style is very important in the training. And it has a positive effect on the organizational performance. It improves the organizational performance. . If we see the z-test value it lies in the critical region. It means the data and the results are significant of our third hypothesis. It is very difficult for an employee to perform well at the job place without any pre-training. Trained employees perform well as compared to untrained employees. It is very necessary for any organization to give its employees training to get overall goals of the organization in a better way. Training and development increase the overall performance of the organization. Although it is costly to give training to the employees but in the long run it give back more than it took. Every organization should develop its employees according to the need of that time so that they could compete with their competitors. All these results prove our fourth Hypothesis which is H4: Training development has significant effect on the organizational performance. And it has a positive effect on the organizational performance. It improves the organizational performance. As we see in the table that most of the means are in between the bracket of 4-5, it means that most of our respondents think that Training and Development has significant affect on the organizational performance. This also proves our fourth hypothesis which is; H4: Training development has significant effect on the organizational performance. . If we see the z-test value it lies in the critical region. It means the data and the results are significant of our fourth hypothesis. MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS Training and development is very important for an organization to compete with this challenging and changing world. Training and development is basically directly related to employee but its ultimate effect goes to organization because the end user is organization itself. This study will help organization to understand the importance of Training and Development. It will also help organization to understand which factors are important to keep in mind during the training and how a good training can be delivering to their employees. It will help them to understand that it is very necessary for them to give training to their employees so that they could perform the assign task in a better way. RECOMMENDATIONS In this research we review a lot of materials related to the variables used in this research and at the end we also proved our hypotheses. In the light of all this research and all the material which is being used to conduct this research and all the literature review we came to the decision that there should be Training and Development in every organization. Although we have review some disadvantages like it is costly to give training to the employees, but the advantages of Training are much more than its disadvantages which are briefly discussed in this study. We recommend that all organizations should provide Training their employees. We already have discussed that Training and Development have advantages not only for employee but the ultimate benefit is for the organization itself. If the performance of the employee is not good it will affect the whole organization. CONCLUSION Training and Development has positive effect on Organizational Performance. Discussion of all the results proves the hypotheses; H1: Training design has significant effect on the organizational performance, H2: On the job training has significant effect on the organizational performance, H3: Delivery style has significant effect on the organizational performance and H4: Training development has significant effect on the organizational performance. All these have positive effects on the Organizational Performance. It improves the Organizational Performance. On the Job Training is very effective and it also saves time and cost. Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style have significant effect on Organizational Performance and all these have positively affect the Organizational Performance. It means it increases the overall organizational performance. FUTURE STUDY Primary data is not collected; the study only depends on secondary data. Study can be conduct on different departments of the organizations that which department needs more training and development. Study focus on gender can also provide different results and one can conduct a study on different types training and development programs. REFRENCES 1. Stone R J. (2002), Human Resource Management 2nd Edition, Jhon Wiley Sons 2002. 2. Fakhar Ul Afaq, Anwar Khan (2008), Case of Pearl Continental hotels in Pakistan, Relationship of training with Employees Performance in Hoteling Industry. 3. Richard Chang Associates, INC., Measuring the impact of traning, demonstrate the measureable results and return on investment. 4. Iftikhar Ahmad and Siraj ud Din,Gomal Medical College and Gomal University, D.I.Khan,Pakistan(2009),EVALUATING TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 5. Chris Amisano, (2010), eHow contributer Relationship between traning and employee performance. 6. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Enlightenment from The Tao Te Ching Essay -- Tao Te Ching Essays

Enlightenment from The Tao Te Ching The Tao Te Ching can be helpful to all, and the reading of it may be enlightening. Reading the Tao can give much insight on the challenges and dangers that humans must face in this world, how a person should live his life, the dangers of a powerful ruler, how the state should rule, how citizens should serve the state, and the messages or forewarnings for us today. Mankind has the tendency to be self-conscious, greedy, and materialistic, and human history shows this to be the case in all societies. Even in China they suffer from the selfish aspects of humans. The Tao states on page 9, â€Å"Chase after money and security/and your heart will never unclench.† It is natural for people to want things, but the Tao is saying that the chasing after money is the danger. In our society this materialistic attitude is apparent, for when people buy expensive things they cannot afford, they immediately say, â€Å"Charge it!† If the Tao was written today it would read, â€Å"Credit cards are for those who chase after money/their pocketbooks will never be s...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Rhythmic Procedures and Rudimental Drumming :: essays papers

Rhythmic Procedures and Rudimental Drumming In history, drumming and the use of percussive instruments have had a significant role in people’s lives. Not only do the people who play these instruments enjoy them, but it is said that "there is as much pleasure participating in, as listening to and admiring an expert drummer’s improvisations". The use of drums has been recognized as being able to put people into spiritual trances throughout history. The drum is a musical instrument with great power and presence that gives the "pulse" or backbone to the music it is incorporated with. There are three rudimental rhythmic procedures that have been known in drumming for the use of communication, entertainment and both communication and entertainment together. These are; (1) the use of a drum as a speech surrogate or a "talking drum". These methods of playing were used for communicative purposes and often codes were used to be played over long distances for the sending and receiving of messages. (2) The use of both iconic and symbolic dimensions of communication within music and dance. Throughout many festivals in Africa, depending on the event being celebrated, drumbeats are used to dictate the type of dance to be done by the listeners. For example, at the time of a birth of twins there is a different dance done than at a birth of a single child and the beat of the drum instructs the listeners to do the appropriate dance. (3) This rhythmic procedure is most commonly used today and is the pure musical play of rhythms in dance. There are no communicative obligations within this type of music, which allows for free-form dance and unlimited use of improvisational strategies by the musician. The third rhythmic procedure will be most emphasized throughout this report for a few reasons. One reason is that it is not possible to make generalizations about drumming as a whole, used as communication devices because every society in early Africa had it’s unique fingerprints on sounds of the rhythmic beats they have played. Another reason for the emphasis on this rhythmic procedure and not the first two is the accessibility of rhythmical facts pertaining to each. Unfortunately, much of the known facts about rudimental African rhythmic procedures is stored within the minds of the tribal musicians themselves. One phrase I learned from researching this topic is that "the life and energy of the drummer lives half within the drummer’s soul, and half within the drum he plays".

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dog Day Afternoon :: movie film

In the movie, Dog Day Afternoon, there were many things that the police and the FBI did wrong. It seemed as if there was no manual to guide the police officers and the FBI through the hostage situation. Sonny and Sal never really thought about what they would do if they were to get caught. One of the first mistakes that officer Moretti made was when he called the bank to let Sonny know he was in there. I think that there never would have been a hostage situation if officer Moretti would have let Sonny and Sal think they were going to get away and grab them when they came out the bank. I never knew if someone in the bank hit an alarm or if the insurance man let the police know the bank was getting robbed. From the beginning, it seemed as if there was no clear picture of who was in charge. The police should have closed off the block farther away from the bank than they did. There was not any crowd control. When Moretti tried to talk to Sonny on the bullhorn, he really could not talk because the crowd was making a lot of noise. If Sonny and Sal had come out of the bank shooting, many people would have been hurt. I thought that when someone was robbing a bank, the FBI was the ones who were supposed to be in charge. Moretti never let the FBI agent lead the hostage negotiations until late in the movie. When the FBI arrived, they should have taken over the hostage situation as soon as possible. Another thing that I noticed about the movie was that the police officers were running around everywhere. Without any command, they were trying to get through the back door and it caused Sonny to fire a shot. Whenever Sonny walked out of the bank they were pointing their guns at him while Moretti was telling them to get back and put the guns down. There were never any hostage negotiators at the scene. Moretti did all of the negotiations. The FBI agent did not really negotiate anything. The FBI agent and Moretti did the number one thing that should not be done during a hostage negotiation; they both met with sonny face to face on numerous occasions to try to negotiate with him. You are never supposed to meet with someone when you are negotiating face to face.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Health And Social Care Essay

In the current scenario, a 64-year-old female patient has suffered from Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) and she seemed to demo no betterment despite her current intervention for 6 months. RA is a chronic redness disease and harmonizing to the study of National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ( NICE February 2009 ) RA affects 10000 people each twelvemonth in the UK population. RA is characterised by swelling and painful articulations, usually symmetrical and frequently impacting diarthrodial articulations of custodies and pess [ Firestein GS. , 2003 ] . Although RA normally attacks articulations, it can besides impact other variety meats such as bosom, lung and eyes. The exact pathogenesis of the disease still remains to be discovered. However, autoimmunity activities are believed to be to play a major function in the development of the disease. The unnatural release of inflammatory factors such as interleukins ( IL ) and tissue mortification factor ( TNF ) by the peripheral inflammatory cells such as CD4+ T cells, B cells and macrophages are involved in the patterned advance of RA which leads to inflammatory reaction at the synovial fluid ( SF ) and synovial tissues ( ST ) that line the joint and resulted in joint devastation [ Agarwal et al. , 2005 ] . When the redness progresses into farther phase, portion of the synovial membrane which envelops the SF will develop into pannus which is an inflammatory tissues that farther assail the joint and gristle and may take to joint merger by let go ofing destructive enzymes such as collagenase. Harmonizing to Scots Intercollegiate Guidelines Network ( SIGN 48 ) guidelines, RA is normally diagnosed by recovering patient ‘s medical history and scrutiny on elevated degree of inflammatory markers such as non-specific erythrocyte deposit rate ( ESR ) , C-reactive protein ( CRP ) and a more specific arthritic factor, which is an auto-antibody nowadayss in 80 % of RA patients [ Firestein GS. , 2003 ] . The incidence of RA may non be seen every bit serious as other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplastic disease which recorded a higher morbidity and mortality rate, but one time the disease progresses, it can give a great impact on patient ‘s day-to-day life. It accounts for 0.8 % of entire planetary Year Lived with Disability ( YLD ) , which is the 31st prima cause of YLD globally [ Symmons et al. , 2006 ] . As a chronic redness disease, RA causes lasting joint harm if it is non treated suitably every bit shortly as possible and a long-time medicine is required to decelerate down the patterned advance of the disease. The joint harm starts at the early phase of disease and worsens increasingly resulted in troubles in patients ‘ day-to-day work. A simple day-to-day undertaking such as opening a bottle or walking across the room can ensue in great hurting for RA patients. Some patients might even necessitate to discontinue or alter their current oc cupation due to sore articulations. Epidemiology survey showed that RA is associated with decreased life anticipation and increased mortality [ Anthony et al. , 2003 ] . As RA develops, the disease finally invades the bone around the joint and may take to osteoporosis due to inflammatory activities. Furthermore, RA intervention utilizing corticoid besides increases the hazard of osteoporosis due to depletion of Ca and increase loss of bone mass [ Kelman et al. , 2005 ] . Besides that, merely like other redness diseases, RA patients can confront anemic jobs where red blood cells production is inhibited during redness. After the importance of early intervention of DMARDs has been recognised, the old â€Å" intervention pyramid † used in RA which started off with diagnostic intervention utilizing anodynes such as NSAIDs has been reviewed. The â€Å" intervention pyramid † describes the usage of anodynes in the early phase of disease to alleviate hurting and merely starts DMARDs when the disease develops into more advanced phase where NSAIDs can no longer command the hurting and redness. However, several surveies have shown that protection of articulation from harm utilizing DMARDs should be started every bit shortly as possible to supply better patients ‘ forecast and continue patient functional ability [ Egmose et al. , 1995 ; van der Heide et al. , 1996 ] . Therefore both NICE and SIGN guidelines suggest the early usage of DMARDs to command and detain RA symptoms after diagnosing of RA is confirmed. There is no definite intervention for RA as patients may react otherwise to the assortment picks of RA pharmacological therapy. Normally RA patients would be started with the most normally used DMARDs and reviewed invariably for drugs effectiveness until symptoms are well-controlled by the DMARDs therapy. Further change in the intervention needs to be done if no satisfactory response is achieved. As in this instance survey, the female patient has failed to react to six-month intervention of sulfasalazine, which is one of the commonly used DMARDs in commanding RA. Thus an option should be sought every bit shortly as possible to forestall major joint devastation.TreatmentHarmonizing to NICE guidelines 2009, it is stated that if RA patient does non react to the first DMARDs intervention, the dosage of the drug should be reviewed and focused to supply an effectual and suited dosage for the patient before a 2nd option of DMARDs is sought. In the current scenario, the patient had failed to react to six-month therapy of SLS, it is assumed that the dosage of SLS had been adjusted to the possible maximal bound but still demo no benefit in the patient. Thus, farther intervention would be focused on seeking for an alternate DMARDs. DMARDs are drugs from different categories that are grouped together due to their similarity in decelerating down the patterned advance of RA and understating joint devastation caused by RA besides commanding the symptoms. The normally used DMARDs include sulfasalazine ( SLS ) , amethopterin ( MTX ) , gold, Cuprimine, anti-malarial, azathioprine, leflunomide and cyclosporine. SLS and MTX are most preferable in clinical pattern due to their favourable toxicity profiles although intramuscular gold and Cuprimine had shown similar effectivity in handling RA [ Aletaha et al. , 2003 ; Felson et al. , 1990 ; Capell et al. , 1993 ] . MTX and SLS were considered to be safer at usage as it was shown that there was no important difference in the incidence of side-effects reported between high and low dose intervention of the drugs [ Aletaha et al. , 2003 ] . Since the patient has failed to react to SLS, MTX would normally be the following option in head. However, there is a pick to do whether t o utilize MTX in combination with SLS or replace SLS with MTX as monotherapy. DMARDs combination has been recommended in NICE guidelines for early RA intervention, but more clinical groundss need to be sought for the usage of combination in established RA, which is pictured in the current scenario as the patient has been suffered from RA for more than 6 months and immune to SLS therapy. Three surveies were found to compare the usage of MTX monotherapy and dual-therapy with SLS in patients unresponsive to SLS. Among the three, two were randomised controlled tests ( RCT ) while one was non-randomised experimental test [ Haagsma et al. , 1994 ; Capell et al. , 2007 ; Schipper et al. , 2009 ] The first RCT was carried out in 1994 which merely included a little figure of patients ( n=40 ) based on a single-observer method over 24 hebdomads while a longer continuance ( & gt ; 18 months ) of double-blind placebo-controlled survey with a larger survey group ( n=165 ) was adopted in the 2nd RCT in 2007. Despite the difference in the survey features, both RCTs concluded that MTX-SLS double therapy had a greater efficaciousness in commanding symptoms over MTX monotherapy in SLS-resistant patients without important addition in toxicity. However, although the 2nd RCT had shown important clinical benefits for combination therapy compared to the usage of monotherapy, no important advantage was seen in radiological results or functional disablement. The 3rd survey was a recent test published in 2009 investigated 230 patients who were immune to SLS intervention utilizing the similar intervention magnitude as the old surveies to measure the drug efficaciousness. This test was carried out for more than 15 old ages and concluded that that both options provided similar consequence. The disagreement was believed to be caused by the deficiency of control group in the ulterior test which might lend to biased consequences and inconsistent usage of other drugs such as corticoids in different tests which might misdirect the reading of drug efficaciousness. Besides efficaciousness and toxicity, cost of intervention is the following of import factor to be considered in taking the right intervention for the patient. However, really few surveies were done comparing the cost-effectiveness of different DMARDs because RA is non every bit prevailing as other major diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and it does non normally result in immediate decease. The more recent cost-effectiveness analysis on DMARDs was done in Thailand from the social point of position where the costs included a direct cost and indirect cost [ Osiri et al. , 2007 ] . In order to enable numerical comparing, the cost-effectiveness of the therapies was measured utilizing the Incremental Cost-effectiveness Ratio ( ICER ) which is the entire cost in US dollar needed to accomplish one unit of ( HAQ ) Health Assessment Questionnaire, which comprised of 20 inquiries on patients ‘ self-report functional and disablement position. The ICER of each intervention was compa red against the anti-malarial monotherapy as anti-malarial was recognised as the cheapest and least efficacious DMARDs available. Comparing among the sum of 152 RA patients, it was found that MTX and SLS therapy recorded a three times lower ICER compared to MTX monotherapy, which explained that the double therapy was less dearly-won and more effectual compared to the monotherapy ( US $ 625 versus US $ 2061 per one unit of HAQ mark ) . However, this survey was non specifically directed to SLS-resistant patients. Therefore, merely a comparative comparing can be made on the cost for the current scenario. The following option of intervention for the current patient is the usage of three-base hit therapy which uses MTX, SLS and an anti-malarial. It was shown in a biennial, prospective randomised test on 180 patients that the ternary therapy had given a better curative efficaciousness over the dual- ( MTX and SLS or MTX and anti-malarial ) and MTX monotherapy irrespective of the drugs given in the early RA intervention [ Calguneri et al. , 1999 ] . Again, the incidence of inauspicious effects did non increase significantly with the addition in figure of drugs. The enhanced benefit by adding an anti-malarial agent to MTX intervention had further strengthened the grounds shown antecedently by a long-run followup survey on patients who were treated with ternary therapy. It was shown in the old survey that patients who had failed to react to at least one DMARD and treated with ternary therapy had shown continued betterment with minimum toxicity after 3 old ages compared to MTX monotherapy a nd SLS-hydroxychloroquine therapy [ O'Dell et al. , 1999 ] . Addition of anti-malarial agent to MTX had been shown to execute better than MTX-SLS combination, which proposed an implicit in interactive activity of anti-malarial and MTX when they are used together likely due to heighten MTX bioavailability by anti-malarial [ O'Dell et al. , 2002 ; Carmichael et al. , 2002 ] . In footings of the intervention cost, based on the same cost-effectiveness survey mentioned above, ternary therapy recorded a lower ICER ( US $ 1222 per one unit of HAQ mark ) than MTX monotherapy, but about twice every bit high as the ICER of MTX-SLS therapy. Other than utilizing the traditional DMARDs, the freshly developed biological anti-rheumatic drugs are besides being studied for SLS immune patients. Since RA involves a great trade of cytokines activities, specific cytokines blockers have been investigated to stamp down or modify the redness procedure. The most normally used biological agents include infliximab, etanercept and adalimumab which target the tissue mortification factor, TNF-I ± , which is one of the chief cytokines released by macrophage that farther induces the release of other cytokines which are responsible for the redness. NICE guidelines emphasized that TNF-I ± inhibitors can merely be used when the patient has failed to react to intervention of at least two DMARDs including amethopterin. However, Combe et Al. had tried a different attack where Enbrel has been used and investigated in patients specifically having SLS intervention but still have ailment of active RA without affecting MTX [ Combe et al. , 2006 ] . It was found that etanercept monotherapy or in combination with SLS had given better betterment in American College of Rheumatology ( ACR ) standards compared to patients treated with SLS entirely. There was no important difference in the efficaciousness in the etanercept monotherapy and combination group. However, there was a significantly higher incidence rate of side-effects such as concern, sickness and astheny in the combination group while a higher hazard of infections and injection side reactions were recorded in patients with etanercept entirely. Besides that, as a biological drug, TNF-I ± inhibitors can non get away the fact of doing serious inauspicious effects such as malignance, demyelination and increased susceptibleness to infections like TB [ Nahar et al. , 2003 ] . However when the ratio of efficaciousness over toxicity is concerned, a meta-analysis showed that TNF inhibitors have a higher ratio than gold and sulfasalazine [ Ravindran et al. , 2008 ] . Again, whe n cost is concerned, etanercept intervention, as expected is much expensive compared to DMARDs, where the cost was shown to be more than twice higher than the most expensive DMARD available, cyclosporin [ Jobanputra et al. , 2002 ] .TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONComparing the four options available, MTX monotherapy, MTX-SLS dual-therapy, ternary therapy and etanercept therapy, MTX-SLS dual-therapy seems to be the best intervention for the current patient as it is supported by groundss for its lower cost with comparable efficaciousness in SLS immune patients. It might non be the most effectual intervention compared to treble therapy, but it is ever advisable to understate the figure of drugs used in a patient to forestall unneeded inauspicious effects or drug interactions. However, there is still possibility that the patient may still be unresponsive to the dual-therapy as there is no definite warrant on the action of the therapy on every RA patient and the possibility of developing immune to MTX. Thus, the National Clinical Guidelines recommends monthly reappraisal of CRP ( C-Reactive Protein ) , an inflammatory marker and other cardinal constituents of disease activity such as DAS 28 ( Disease Activity Score based on 28 articulations ) until the disease is controlled by the given intervention to a degree antecedently discussed and agreed by the patients. If there is still no satisfactory respond, farther change in the therapy needs to be done such as sing the ternary therapy or etanercept therapy. Besides giving the slow-acting disease modifying drugs, SIGN 48 guidelines suggest the usage of intra-articular injection of corticoids to give rapid diagnostic alleviation before the oncoming of the new DMARDs therapy. Oral corticoids are non preferred to be used as a long-run intervention as it can do serious inauspicious consequence on bone mass and GI systems and it merely shows benefit in the early intervention of active RA [ Saag et al. , 1995 ; Kirwan et al. , 1995 ] If injection is non possible, so low dosage of unwritten corticoid is used in a shortest continuance possible [ Laan et al. , 1995 ] . For the diagnostic hurting control on top of DMARDs, mentioning to SIGN 48 guidelines, whenever possible, simple anodynes such as paracetamol are preferred over NSAIDs due to set up side-effects peculiarly GI annoyance. If simple anodynes are non powerful plenty to alleviate the hurting, a low dose NSAIDs such as isobutylphenyl propionic acid or more selective Cyclooxygenase ( Cox-2 ) inhibitors such as etoricoxib can be prescribed for the shortest continuance possible. When NSAIDs or Cox-2 inhibitors have to be used, coincident usage of GI protective medicine such as proton-pump inhibitors should be considered for aged and patients with history of GI ulcerations. Both NICE and SIGN guidelines recommend that dosage of NSAIDs should be reviewed and reduced once patients show equal response to DMARDs. In drumhead, the patient should be continued with SLS, at the same clip, added with MTX as the combined DMARDs therapy. In add-on, intra-articular or short-course unwritten corticoid should be commenced as a â€Å" span therapy † before the oncoming of action of the new DMARDs therapy. For diagnostic control, if paracetamol is non equal to relief hurting, NSAIDs such as diclofenac together with a proton pump inhibitor such as Prilosec can be used unless it is contraindicated in the patient, so a Cox-2 inhibitor such as etoricoxib should be used. Besides that, patient would be put on a monthly monitoring to reexamine the effectivity of the new therapy.

The Scarlet Pimpernel

orth As A The Scarlet Pimpernel: Sir Percy’s Worth as A Hero In the novel The Scarlet Pimpernel, written by Baroness Orczy, Sir Percy Blankley is able to deceive those he loves in order to save the lives of those he barely knows. Leading a double life, he acts as a fool of an English lord in order hide the fact that he is really a cunning, elusive man who goes by the name â€Å"The Scarlet Pimpernel. † When using this name to do his good deeds, Sir Percy risks his life in order to rescue French aristocracy.Everyone regards The Scarlet Pimpernel as a hero– he has all the characteristics of a hero about him, and they are very strong in his personality. Sir Percy is also very good at disguising his hero’s true identity, although he did have rather oblivious people around him. He was a hero who did what he needed to do proficiently and did so without unnecessary violence. During the 1790s, The French Revolution was tearing apart France. Commoners killed the ve ry people they were to look to for leadership. Those aristocrats had been irresponsible and had spent taxes frivolously and now the commoners wanted justice.In England at that time, things were much different. The people were at peace and society was moving forward. The stark difference between these places provides excellent settings for the book, helping the reader realize the cruelty of the French peoples’ endless killing, as opposed to the serenity and peacefulness of England. Sir Percy could be described as many things. One of these characteristics is selflessness. It is shown how even the people around him could easily tell of how he would gladly sacrifice his life for theirs– â€Å"She looked at Sir Andrew with eager curiosity.The young man’s face had become almost transfigured. His eyes shone with enthusiasm; hero-worship, love, admiration for his leader seemed literally to glow upon his face. ‘The Scarlet Pimpernel, Mademoiselle,’ he said at last, ‘is the name of a humble English wayside flower; but I also the name chosen to hide the identity of the best and bravest man in all the world, so that he may better succeed in accomplishing the noble task he has set himself to do. ’ † (Orczy 34). Another fine example of this characteristic is from the perspective of one whom he rescues ¬Ã¢â‚¬â€œ â€Å"But the Comtesse shook her head, still incredulously.To her it seemed preposterous that these young men and their great leader, all of them rich, probably wellborn, and young, should for no other motive than sport, run the terrible risks, which she knew they were constantly doing. Their nationality, once they had set foot in France, would be no safeguard to them. Anyone found harbouring or assisting suspected royalists would be ruthlessly condemned and summarily executed, whatever his nationality might be. † (Orczy 35). Comtesse finds it so uncanny that a rich Englishman would waste his time and ris k his life for people with whom he has no relationship.This kind of rare selflessness is easily comparable to that of the classic Marvel superhero Captain America– each of them would willingly give up his life if it meant another might live. The Scarlet Pimpernel demonstrates his bravery very well. He is willing to got to France in order to save his wife’s brother– â€Å" ‘You are not going to the North, I feel convinced†¦ There is some mystery†¦ and †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ‘Nay, there is no mystery, Madame,’ he replied, with a slight tone of impatience. ‘My business has to do with Armand†¦ there! Now, have I your leave to depart? ‘With Armand? †¦ But you will run no danger? ’ â€Å"Danger? I? †¦ Nay, Madame, your solicitude does me honour. As you say, I have some influence; my intention is to exert it before it be too late’ † (Orczy 136). He is unafraid to go to Armand’s aid, which the reader can find as extraordinary, seeing as how he would have to go up against the deadly French agent M. Chauvelin. He also sees the fact that his wife needs him to take action as an honor, and he carries out her requests with pride– â€Å" ‘You will come back? ’ she said tenderly. Very soon! ’ he replied, looking longingly into her blue eyes. ‘And†¦ you will remember? †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ she asked as her eyes, in response to his look, game him an infinity of promise. ‘I will always remember, Madame, that you have honoured me by commanding my services’ † (Orczy 138). His valor and fearlessness is uncommon, and can be respected. Such honor and bravery resembles that of Steve Jobs. He had a predetermined goal and a strong will to accomplish this task, daring to do what others thought was impossible and would not dare to do.A beautiful portrayal is of Sir Percy’s passion is when he is torn between the one he loves and doing his duty as the Scarlet Pimpernel– â€Å" ‘I pray you, Madame,’ he said, whilst his voice shook almost as much as hers, ‘in what way can I serve you? ’ † (Orczy 128). He knew he must return to France to help the Comte de Tournay, but yet such love and passion for his wife cannot be hidden. Because he cannot reveal the fact that he is the Scarlet Pimpernel to his beloved wife, he must act as a fool who does not have much feeling towards her [his wife], but when he has the chance, he shows affection in hat little was he can– â€Å"He was but a man madly, blindly, passionately in love, and as soon as her light footsteps had died away within the house, he knelt down upon the terrace steps, and in the very madness of his love he kissed one by one the places where her small foot had trodden, and the stone balustrade there, where her tiny hand had rested last. † (Orczy 131). Such enthusiasm for something is very similar to Walt Disneyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s passion to create a ‘perfect society’ for adults and children. He went above and beyond the duty he put before himself, just as Sir Percy did.The â€Å"elusive [Scarlet] Pimpernel† (Orczy 97) is surely a great hero. Having all of the ‘requirements’ and characteristics of a hero, he is able to spring into action– ready to save the day! He is not recognized by his enemies and is able to fulfill all of the tasks he puts before him. He is diligent at what he does and only uses force when necessary. With his 19 assistants by his side, he is able to save the lives of the French aristocracy and bring them to safety. Sir Percy Blankley, a. k. a. The Scarlet Pimpernel, is a hero– no doubt about it.